About Us
The Gift of Life, Inc. program, was originally initiated by Rotary District 7250 in 1975 and is today a worldwide international service program. Its primary purpose is to help those needy children secure another lease on life, through the miracle of life saving heart surgery in a Gift of Life participating hospital in the U.S.A.
The program reaches out to children in need throughout the world. It is a non-profit organization whose Board of Directors and members are Rotarians of District 7255 (Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties in New York), and members of local ethnic organizations.
The mission of Gift of Life, Inc. is to further the cause of world peace and understanding by facilitating free medical services in USA and around the world to children suffering from congenital heart disease and other affiliated cardiac diseases, regardless of race, creed, sex or national origin, and who otherwise lack access to such services.